Menú Desplegable de Banderas

Love is the force that moves the entire universe, moves a leaf, moves the seas, and moves great ideas and dreams to come true.

This is the story of how one family’s love is turning the world upside down.

After 1945 a family of Italian immigrants traveled to Venezuela escaping the post war crisis that had hit all of Europe and like many migrants at that time Venezuela became their home.

El nono, as we used to call his grandfather, (who was part of the paratroopers command of the war at the time), with his great entrepreneurial spirit and his many ventures at the time, decided he wanted to start a business that would connect with the gastronomic tastes of the local people, so he decided to open a fast food stand.

Always with a joke and a smile to give away, he went out to serve the people with his characteristic charisma, sense of humor and generous heart, making that small food stand, managed to agglomerate long lines just to enjoy a different moment.

With that small business, my grandfather was able to help my dad get a university degree and years later that knowledge pushed my dad to industrialize ideas that had started small, but nothing that is done with love, is small.

My father began to give life and industrial form to a company that began to grow rapidly.

Years after achieving great expansion, we had to face situations in the country that put the company’s operations at risk.

My grandmother once told me something I will never forget, “you are your father’s back and he is your back”, together we could defend grandfather’s legacy, that’s when I decided to join the company and for the first time I was starting a project motivated by love and not by money.

The economic situation at that time meant that creative ideas had to be implemented, and that is where innovation projects began to emerge that are still a flagship for our company today.

The famous Fritz corn salsa, which until then had no similar product, cheddar sauce, YILL potatoes, and many of the developments that allowed FRITZ to position itself.

Today Fritz is one of the most important food companies in the country, with a great growth in the food services segment, and we have already started marketing operations and service experiences in many countries in America and Europe.

And we are happy not to have given up, to represent in the world the Venezuelan flavor, the flavor of love, the flavor of joy.

That is why, every time one of our sauces is served at a table where smiles are shared, we continue to feel that Nono is smiling, that his charisma continues to run through the ideas we materialize, even though he is no longer with us, that his legacy continues to be the love and service with which we do things.

That is why Fritz, beyond being a manufacturer of industrial sauces to accompany the most delicious dishes in the world, is and will be a family legacy that accompanies moments of sharing happiness, joy and great taste.

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